The web pages in RAMADDA are created through its wiki facility. The wiki facility supports both regular wiki markup like Wikipedia uses as well as special RAMADDA wiki tags that allow for page payout, displaying maps, lists, charts, etc.
5.1.0 Basic Markup
The RAMADDA Wiki facility generally follows the format that Wikipedia follows. For example:
==Section Heading 1==
===Section Heading 2===
A horizontal line:
Bulleted lists:
* bullet 1
* bullet 2
** sub bullet 1
** sub bullet 2
* bullet 3
The RAMADDA wiki text supports a number of other markup methods using +tag/-tag and :tag syntax. The "+/-" syntax is for multi-line and the ":" syntax is for single line. For example, an easy way to add a line break of paragraph (instead of doing <br>, <p>) is:
To center text do:
some text
to center
To wrap text in a div do:
Set the background color or image with:
+div color="color"

+div image=image_reference

+div style="css style"
Where image_reference is either:
+div image=::name_of_attachment
+div image=this
+div image=other_entry_id
To add attributes to the div do:
+div style="max-height:100px;overflow-y:auto;"
To create a button do:
:button /url Some label
:button-green /url Some label
:button-blue /url Some label
Will produce: Some label
Some label
Some label

You can escape your wiki text and include raw, unprocessed text with the <nowiki> tag:
Some wiki text
This is text that does not get formatted
more wiki text
For example, if you want to include javascript in your text do:
<script  type="text/JavaScript"  >
Macro values can be defined and used later in the wiki page with the :macro and +macro/-macro tags. To define a macro do:
:macro macro_name macro body
+macro macro_name
To use the macro do:
:macro macro_name Some text
any wiki text here ${macro_name} more text

For example, if you have a number of buttons as described above but want to have one color for them do:
:macro buttonColor -green
:button${buttonColor} /url1 Button 1 text

:button${buttonColor} /url2 Button 2 text
Repository wide macros can be defined in the server side properties file in the RAMADDA home directory. Add the below properties: separated list of macro names<macro>=<macro value>
#For example,blockColor
Note: the block tag below has a similar feature with the "var" attribute. The difference is that the block tag can be placed at the bottom of the page after the var that it references is used. The macro tags need to be inline before they are used. The <block> tag allows you to easily create a toggle block and/or show or hide content based on the user's device. To show a simple toggle block just do:
 any content here
You can specify the toggle label title with:
<block title="Click here to open">
 any content here
You can specify whether the block is open or closed:
<block open="false">
 any content here
You can specify whether to show the content or not:
<block show="mobile" decorate="false">
  this will only show for mobile users
<block show="!mobile" decorate="false">
  this will only show for non-mobile users
You can also use the block tag to define a variable or macro that is used later.
<block var="var_name">
 any content here
This will not show the content in place. Rather you can reference and insert the content elsewhere in the page with:
5.1.1 Layout and Display Markup
There are a number of layout tags that make it easy to do page layout and display. There are a number of block display elements - title, heading, blurb, note, and block that can be used as:
One line forms:
:title Some title
:heading Some heading
:blurb Some blurb
:note Some note
:block A block

Multi line forms:
Some lengthy text
and more
You can change the background color with:
:blurb-green Some green background
:note-rose Rose colored background
Examples at

To make page sections use the +section/-section tags.
section content
If you append a "#" then the row number is kept track of and an even/odd color scheme is applied.
+section  #
+section  #
If you append a "----" then a top border is shown:
+section  ----
If you add title="..." then a title is added. If you add label="..." then a header is added. The normal use is:
+section # title="section 1"
+section # label="section 2"
+section # label="section 3"
Using the {{name}} wiki tag will use the entry name for the title:
+section  title={{name}}
You can change the background color/image by specifying sections as below. Full list of styles here.
+section class="ramadda-section-map"
+section class="ramadda-section-lightpink"
+section class="ramadda-section-lightblue"
+section class="ramadda-section-lightgreen"
You can also add a CSS style descriptor
+section style="background: #888; border: 1px red solid;"
The +inset tag supports margins.
This by default gives a 20px left and right margin. To change this you can add any of the attributes, e.g:
+inset top="100" left="50" right="50" bottom="100"
Frame your content like this:
With the +frame/-frame tags:
You can change the background of the inner part of the frame with:
+frame background=white
You can change the size and the color of the frame with:
+frame frameSize=5 frameColor=red
Add a shadow effect with
+frame background=#fff frameSize=0 shadow
You can embed Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo and other media as:



Set dimensions on videos:
@( width=300 height=200)

@( width=300 height=200)
Add a style to the embed:
 @( width=300 height=200 link=true label="Click here" style="display:block;background:red;margin:20px;")
Add a link to the embed:
  @( width=300 height=200 start=600  link=true label="Click here")
Embed Github checkins with:
@(github user=some_user_name)  

#or a repository
@(github owner=repository_owner repository=repository)

#don't show avatar image
@(github owner=repository_owner repository=repository decorate=false)
To embed code do the following:
 ```<option language>
Currently only javascript is formatted. For example:
let l = []; 
for(let i=0;<l.length;i++) {
var x = {}
You can embed charts defined in the vega-lite schema directly into a wiki page. More information onv vega-list is available here The format is:
You vega-lite schema here
  "$schema": "",
  "description": "A simple bar chart with embedded data. An example vega-lite file.",
  "width": 360,
  "data": {
    "values": \[
      {"a": "A","b": 28}, {"a": "B","b": 55}, {"a": "C","b": 43},
      {"a": "D","b": 91}, {"a": "E","b": 81}, {"a": "F","b": 53},
      {"a": "G","b": 19}, {"a": "H","b": 87}, {"a": "I","b": 52}
  "mark": "bar",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "a", "type": "ordinal"},
    "y": {"field": "b", "type": "quantitative"}
To make a gridded box layout like this use the +gridboxes/+gridbox tags.
These take the form of:
+gridboxes-<number of columns>
+gridbox Header 1
+gridbox Header 2
For example:
+gridbox Header 1
Hello there

How are you -gridbox +gridbox Hello there
How are you -gridbox +gridbox Header 3 Hello there
How are you -gridbox +gridbox Header 4 Line 1 :br Line 2 -gridbox -gridboxes
Scrollable HTML tables are supported with the +table/-table tags. The form is below. Note: any open tr or td tags will be close with the -table tag.
+table  height=100  stripe=false hover=true searching=false  cellborder=false rowborder=false paging=false ordering=false
heading 1
heading 2
column 1
column 2
The attributes of the +table tag are all optional.
  • height=100 - Set the height of the table and enable scrolling
  • stripe=false - Stripe the rows
  • hover=true - Highlight the rows on hover
  • searching=false - Show the search box
  • cellborder=false - draw borders around the cells
  • rowborder=false - draw borders around the rows
  • paging=false - enable paging
  • ordering=false - enable sorting
There are shortcuts available
+table  height=100  
:tr "heading 1" "heading 2"
:td column 1
:td column 2
There is support for the Bootstrap CSS grid system. To do a row layout use the following. The "+col-md-..." correspond to Bootstraps column widths, e.g., col-md-[1]. Basically you can have any number of columns within a row. Each column has a width, the sum of which adds up to 12. Note: you can also use +col-<some number> as a short hand, dropping the "-md"

Here are three equally spaced columns:

Left column contents
Center column contents
Right column contents
Which results in:
Left column contents
Center column contents
Right column contents

You can set the widths of different columns:

Left column contents
Right column contents
Which results in:
Left column contents
Right column contents
You can create a set of tabs with:
+tab Tab 1 title
Tab 1 content
+tab Tab 2 title
Tab 2 content
+tab Tab N title
Tab N content
Tabs can also be nested:
+tab Tab 1 title
+tab another tab title
+tab Tab 2 title
Tab 2 content
Use a minimal style:
+tabs min
+tab Tab 1 title
Use a minimal style with arrows:
+tabs minarrow
+tab Tab 1 title
Center the tabs:
+tabs center
+tab Tab 1 title

You can create an accordion with the accordian tag. The optional arguments allow you to set the properties of the accordion as described in the Jquery docs.
+accordion heightStyle="auto|fill|content" animate="number of milliseconds" collapsible="true|false" activeSegment="segment number of active segment (0 based)" decorate="true|false"
+segment Accordion 1 Title
Accordion 1 content
+segment Accordion 2 Title 
Accordion 2 content
If decorate=false then no border or background is shown for the headers.