RAMADDA provides a number of information and data display components in the wiki facility.
There are a number of
examples available. An easy way to figure out what is going on is to the the wiki text of working examples. The wikitext used for any RAMADDA entry can be viewed with the Menu->View->Information page -
{Each of these tags support the following attributes:{display_<display type> <name=value pairs>}}
layoutHere="true" showMenu="true" showTitle="true" title="Title to display"If layoutHere is set to false then the component is laid out by the container group (below). Otherwise it is displayed in place.
{The data can also come form an entry on a different RAMADDA using the remote attribute:{display_linechart entry="some other entry id"}}
{The data that is displayed takes the form of a number of records where each record is composed of the same number of fields. Optionally, records can also have a latitude/longitude position and a date associated with them. The data for an entry is a JSON format and is accessed via the URL, e.g.:{display_linechart remote="https://ramadda.org/repository/entry/show?entryid=0c4338b6-1469-48ec-88b4-406f61621420"}}
{If you have a number of displays on one page that you want to apply the same max value for then use:{display_linechart max=20000}}
{You can specify a stride with the "skip" attribute. For example if you want to fetch every other record do:{property max=20000}} { {display_linechart}} { {display_table}}
{Every 10th record do:{display_linechart skip=1}}
{If you only wanted the last N records specify, e.g.:{display_linechart skip=10}}
{You can also specify a start and end date range with:{display_linechart lastRecords=10}}
{e.g.:{display_linechart startDate="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" endDate="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"}}
{The startDate and endDate can also be relative to the current date. For example, if you wanted to get the last week's data you would do:{display_linechart startDate="2021-01-01"}}
{In general the relative dates take the form:{display_linechart startDate="-1 week"}}
<offset> <dateunit> where: dateunit=second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year|century|milleniumFor example:
{{display_linechart startDate="-13 days" endDate="-5 days"}}
fields="active_voters,total_ballots" Or: fields="1,#2,#3"The field ids for a point data entry can be viewed with the Metadata view, e.g. - (example).
{{display_linechart fields="#5,#6,#7,#8,#9,#10" }}
+row +col-3 {Filter attributes:{display type="ranking" ... filterFields="elev,elev_gain,distance,range,class" hideFilterWidget=true }} -col +col-9 { {display type="map" ... filterFields="elev,elev_gain,distance,class,range" }} -col -row
convertData="command1;command2;...;" Where commands can be: derived(field=field_id, function=some_expression) e.g.: derived(field=poptimes10, function=population*10) rotateData(includeFields=true,includeDate=true,flipColumns=true) addPercentIncrease(replaceValues=false)
By date: startDate="yyyy-MM-dd" endDate="yyyy-MM-dd" By value: dataFilters="command(field=<field id>,value=<value>,enabled=<value>,label=<label>... Where "command" can be one of: match - string match notmatch - string not match lessthan - <= greaterthan - >= equals notequals If the label is specified then a selector checkbox will be shown to turn on/off this filterYou can also sample the data with:
stride=1 - take every other point maxDisplayedPoints= - if set, then set the stride so we at most have maxDisplayedPoints pointsYou can bin the data based on dates with:
binDate=day|week|month|year binType=total|count|averageOnly show unique rows with:
uniqueField=<field id>
colorTable="some color table name" - specify the color table colorTable="colors:red,green,blue,...." - explicit list of colors colorTable.<field name> ="some color table" - specify a color table for one of the "color by" fields colorTableInverse="true" -reverse the colors colorTableAlpha="0.0 - 1.0" - specify a transparency value colorBy=<field name> - specify a data field to color by colorByFields=<field1,field2,...,fieldN> - specify a number of fields to allow the user to choose how to color
{If showMenu is set to true for a group then the below menu is displayed. This supports the interactive creation of new charts and displays. The layout of these displays can be changed interactively, their state can be changed and they can be deleted. If the user is logged in then the set of dynamically created displays can be saved (e.g., as a wiki page) through the group menu as seen below:{group group 1 ...}} { {display display 1}} { {display display 2}} { {display display 3}} { {group group 2...}} { {display display 4}} { {display display 5}}
layoutType=tabs layoutType=table layoutType=columns layoutType=rowsUsing the table layout the number of columns is specified with the layoutColumns attribute. For the columns and rows layout type each child display can specify the column number of row number it should be placed in. For example, for the rows layout if you had:
{Would result in (without the border):{group layoutType="rows"}} { {display display1 row="1"}} { {display display2 row="1"}} { {display display3 row="1"}} { {display display4 row="2"}} { {display display5 row="2"}} { {display display6 row="3"}}
display1 | display2 | display3 |
display4 | display5 |
display6 |
The divid attribute allows you to specify a div tag that is in the wiki page as the location for the group and the displays to place themselves in. For example, below is the (abbreviated) wiki text used to create this page on ramadda.org. We want to have a fixed layout where the entry list is on the left and the map is on the right. Any charts or other display components that are interactively created by the user are managed by the group and layed out below the list and map. To do this we define a regular html table layout that contains a couple of div tags - one for the list and one for the map. We set the IDs of the div tags and then reference those IDs in the display wiki tags below. Likewise, the group has a divid=maindiv which corresponds to the div at the bottom of the page.
<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=10> <tr valign=top> <td width=50%><div id="listdiv"></div></td> <td width=50%><div id="mapdiv"></div></td> </table> <div id=maindiv></div> {<noop>{group layoutType="table" layoutColumns="1" divid="maindiv"}} {<noop>{display_entrylist divid="listdiv" } } {<noop>{display_map layoutHere="true" height="250" divid="mapdiv"} }
{The above lists the entries in a menu. Alternatively you can display the entries in a map or in a timeline.{group changeEntries=true changeEntriesLabel="Select Region" firstEntry="93198426-f87d-40e6-b206-43b25ad1d4fa" }} <table width=100%><tr valign=top><td width=1%> { {display_fieldslist width=150px entry=93198426-f87d-40e6-b206-43b25ad1d4fa fields="#41,#42,#43,#44,#45,#46,#47,#48,#49,#50" ... }} </td><td> { {display_linechart entry=93198426-f87d-40e6-b206-43b25ad1d4fa fields="#41,#42,#43,#44,#45,#46,#47,#48,#49,#50" ... }} </tr></table>