Basic Wiki Tags
The first set of tags show some information for the entry. Note: the attributes are all optional.
  • Tag: name
    Entry name

  • Tag: entryid
    Entry ID

  • Tag: description
    {{description wikify="true|false"}}
    Entry description. If wikify=true then treat the description as wiki text.

  • Tag: fromdate
    {{fromdate format="date time format"}}

    Tag: todate
    {{todate format="date time format"}}

    Tag: daterange
    {{daterange format="date time format" separator=" -- "}}

    Tag: createdate
    {{createdate format="date time format"}}

    Tag: changedate
    {{changedate format="date time format"}}

    Show the different dates available for an entry. If specified, format the date with the given date time format. This follows the Java date format conventions.

  • Tag: information
    The information tabs.

  • Tag: properties
    {{properties metadata.types="types to show or not show"}}
    Show the properties listing. The attribute metadata.types is an optional comma separated list of the metata (or property) types that should be shown or not shown. For example, if you wanted to show all of the properties except for the Project PI property do:
    {{properties metadata.types="!project_pi" message="" }}
    Then if you wanted to just show the Project PI property then do:
    {{properties metadata.types="project_pi" message="" }}

  • Tag: html
    Shows the default html view of the entry. Note: this requires an entry="..." to specify a different entry.

  • Tag: link
    {{link linkresource=true|false button=true|false output=someoutput}}
    Makes a link to the entry. Set button=true to buttonize the link. Link to the file with linkresource=true. Link to some other view with output=

  • Tag: map
    {{map width="width of map" height="height of map" listentries="true|false" listwidth="width or percent"}}
    Display a map. If the entry is a folder then display the children entries of the folder. If you do not specify a width then the map will be sized to fit its page. The listwidth is the width devoted to the entry list. This may be a fixed pixel value or a percentage:
    {{map listentries="true" listwidth="25%"}}
    If you have a Folder (or other group) and want to just show the Folder and nots it children then do:
    {{map entries="this"}}
  • Tag: comments
    Show the comments.

  • Tag: breadcrumbs
    Show the breadcrumb path.

    Tag: layout

    This shows the "Layout:" toolbar bar for an entry.

  • Tag: toolbar
    Show the entry toolbar.

  • Tag: image
    {{image src="image source" alt="alt text" width="image width" link="true|false" left="absolute position" top="absolute position" linkresource="true|false" alt="image alt label"}}

    Include an image. If src is not given then this shows the image (if there is one) from the entry. If src is specified it can take on the form:
    src="entry name"
    to show an entry. This is equivalent to using entry="...". You can also specify the name of a file attachment to an entry with:
    entry="entryid" src="::attachment name"
    Or any attachment with:
    entry="entryid" src="::*"
    If link is true, the image displayed will be linked to the entry page, if linkresource is true, it will be linked to the full sized image (the entry resource). height and width can be used to scale the image, the alt attribute will be used in place of the entry id as a label on the image for accessibility.

  • Tag: menu
    {{menu popup="true|false" title="title to use" menus="file,edit,feeds,view,other"}}
    Show the menu actions. If menus is not specified show all of the menus. If menus is specified only show those menus listed. Show all menus in a toggle block:
    You can specify which menus to show with a comma separated list of menu names. Only show the file and view menu:
    {{menu menus="file,view"}}
    Show the menu actions in a popup:
    {{menu popup="true" title="Click here"}}
The following tags display a collection of entries. By default the entries are the children entries of the current entry but you can specify other groups of entries with the entries attribute:
{{tag entry="some other entry"
               sort="name|date"  sortorder="up|down"
               max="number of entries to use" }}
The entries attribute is a comma separated list of entry identifiers. They can be specific entry ids or they can be one of a set of relative descriptors as described in the entry selection section.

You can also:
  • If first is defined then these entry ids are put at the front of the list.
  • If last is defined then these entry ids are put at the end of the list.
  • Exclude any entries in the exclude comma separated list of entry ids.
  • Sort entries by name or date with sort
  • If images is set to true then only entries that are image files are included
The relative descriptors are applied to the base entry specified with the entry attribute. You can specify an alternative base entry for each descriptor with the syntax:
So, for example, if you had 2 different Folder entries - folder1 and folder2 and you wanted to list all of the children of each folder you could do:
{{tree  entries="children:folder1_id,children:folder2_id"}}
You can combine different relative descriptors, e.g.:
{{tree  entries="children:folder1_id,grandchildren:folder2_id"}}
Collection Tags
  • Tag: tree
    The tree tag is used to display the children entries of a folder. It can take the form:
    {{tree title="Links" showtoggle="false" open="true" }}
    The title attribute is used in place of "Children". If showtoggle="false" then the show/hide toggle link is not shown.

  • Tag: grid
    Show the children in a grid. A common display is showing the children entries in a grid where each entry shows its thumbnail image attachment, e.g., RAMADDA Examples
    To do this use:
    The attributes:
    • tag: what to display in each grid box
    • sort: sort by name
    • inner-height, width: grid box dimensions
    • showIcon: should the entry icon be shown
    • showLink: should a link to the entry be shown
    • showSnippet: should the entry snippet be shown

  • Tag: recent
    {{recent days="number of days to show"}}
    Show the most recent N days in a list organized by day.

  • Tag: imageplayer
    {{imageplayer width="image width" loopdelay="delay in milliseconds" loopstart="true|false" useAttachment="true|false"}}
    Show images in an image player, e.g.
    {{imageplayer loopdelay="500" loopstart="true"}}
    If useAttachment is true then, if the entry's file is not an image but it has an attachment that is an image then use the attachment image.

  • Tag: gallery
    {{gallery width="image width" columns="number of columns" showdescription="true"}}
    Show a 3 column gallery:
    {{gallery columns="3"}}
    Show a vertical listing of the children entry images:
    {{gallery columns="1"}}
    Set the image width and only show up to 5 images:
    {{gallery  width="300" max="5"}}

  • Tag: tabs
    Show the children as tabs:
    Show only the 3 specified entries in tabs:
    {{tabs entries="0af4d166-5723-4775-88fc-b83b72ab47a4,
                     49684d25-6af1-4188-a0ae-4d5302d22f2a" }}
    Show only the children of type wikipage in tabs:
    {{tabs entries="type:wikipage"}}
    Additional arguments:
    • tag="some tag name" - The wiki tag to use to show the children. e.g., tag="simple" tag="html"
    • includeicon="true|false" - if true, include the appropriate icon in the tab
    • showlink="true|false" - show a link to the entry (default: true)
    • linklabel="label" - if showlink is true, use label in place of the entry name
    • imagewidth="width" - width of images
    • maximageheight="max height" - maximum height of images
    • linkresource="true|false" - if true, link to the entry resource

  • Tag: slideshow
    Show the children in a slideshow:

    Uses the same arguments as tabs, plus:

    • autoplay="true|false" - if true, start the slideshow (default: false)
    • speed="secs" - number of seconds to pause on each entry in slideshow
    • border="pixs" - border size in pixels
    • bordercolor="color" - border color (name or hexadecimal value)
    • width="width" - width of the display
    • height="height" - height of the display

  • Tag: links
    {{links separator="separator text to use" 
                              style="inline css style for the link"
                              class="css class for the link"
                              tagopen="html to prepend to the link - default is li" 
                              tagclose="close html"
                              linkresource="true|false if true link to the entry's file or URL; If false link to the entry"}}
    Layout links to the entries.
    This produces a set of links to the entries. A bulleted list:
    A bulleted list with the links to the entry's file:
    {{links linkresource="true"}}
    If you wanted to make a vertical list do:
    {{links tagopen="<div>" tagclose="</div>"}}
    You can create a header with wiki text like:
    {{links separator="&nbsp;|&nbsp" tagopen=""}}

  • Tag: search
    {{search type="entry type" 
    The "search" tag performs an entry type specific search and embed it into the wiki. This is the same as the top-level type specific search. You can use any of the "search." attributes defined above, e.g., search.text. The default is to not show the form.

  • Tag: apply
    The apply tag allows you to apply some tag (e.g., links, map) to a set of entries in turn. You can then layout the results in a variety of ways (e.g., table, tabs); The apply tag is of the form:
    apply.entry="the entry to find the children of"
    apply.tag="some tag to apply to the entries"
    apply.layout="table, accordion or tabs"
    apply.columns="number of columns in table"
    apply.header="text to go before can contain macros ${name} ${url}"
    apply.footer="text to go after"
    apply.border="border width - defaults to 0"
    apply.bordercolor="border color"
    <arguments for the apply tag>
    All of the arguments, including the entry argument are the same as described above but have the prefix "apply.". This way you can mix the arguments that control the apply function with the arguments that you are using for each entry. Say you have the following entries:
    If you used the apply tag:
    This applies the tag "links" to each main entry. It puts each result in a tab. This tag would make a 2 column table of maps with links to the entries show in the header.
    <any map arguments*gt;
You can also import any of the views of an entry, e.g., the map view, the calendar view, etc., with the {{import}} tag:
Tag: import
{{import showTitle="false" output=""}}

If you wanted to import the default content of an entry but don't show it's title do:

{{import entry=<some entry id> showTitle=false}}
So, if you wanted to show the calendar view of an entry you would do:
{{import output="calendar.calendar"}}
To find the correct output identifier just navigate to the page you want to include and look at the url for the output=... url argument and use that.
A number of the layouts below (e.g,, table layout) will include a snippet of descriptive text from the entry that is being displayed. The snippet text is defined in the description of the entry with:
Some description here.
<snippet>This is the snippet</snippet>
More description