children:<other entry id>
search.text=foobar searchHere we are doing the same search but only using 3 entries:
search.text=foobar search.max=3 searchTo order the search, e.g., getting the most recent 5 entries do:
search.text=foobar search.orderby=createdate search.ascending=false search.max=5 searchMultiple searches can be done:
search.text=foo search.max=3 search search.text=bar search.max=10 searchHere we are searching for entries with the text "foobar" in the name:
search.text=name:foobar searchFor example, below specified to search for the entry type "type_point_snotel" within the given NWSE bounding box:
search.type=type_point_snotel search.bbox=46.218091,-113.484429,42.218091,-109.484429 searchBelow we are searching under two entries for the children of the entries, sorting the list of entries and only using the first 42 entries. The entries with IDs some_entry_id and some_other_entry_id are being excluded.| 5f2234d6-6332-441f-8bab-0076a8cc4d95 search.max=42 search.orderby=createdate search.ascending=false searchAny entries can be excluded with:
not:some_entry_id not:some_other_entry_id
#This references a single entry remote: #This references a single entry with its alias remote: do a search for a particular type on a remote RAMADDA go to that RAMADDA and do the entry type based search, e.g. for "CR1000 Data Logger" entries. Specify any search criteria, e.g. order by Create Data and get at most 5. Then open up the More... and copy the RAMADDA XML Export link: Now go to your Virtual Group entry and enter the link on a line with the prefix "remote:search:", e.g.:
remote:search: you want to do a regular search (i.e., through the default Search form) go to that remote RAMADDA and enter your search, e.g. for "foobar": Now, at the bottom of the form you can copy the full search link with the link or view the full search link in your browser then copy the URL with the link. Then go to your own RAMADDA and under the Entry Ids add the search link, e.g.: