{Example This is the wiki text used in the above example:{display_map width="100%" height="400" geojsonLayer="entry id of a geojson file" geojsonLayerName="Layer name" kmlLayer="entry id of a kml file" kmlLayerName="Layer name" pruneFeatures="true" colorBy="total_ballots" colorTable="inversegrayscale" colorByMin="min value" colorByMax="max value" displayDiv="mapDisplay${entryid}"}}
:heading Map +row +col-md-6 {{display_map column="1" width="-100" height="500" includeData="false" showTitle="false" title="Colored by total ballots" geojsonLayer="7c8f5e25-e569-4ca9-b389-5bb03cdb138b" geojsonLayerName="Precincts" displayAsMap="true" pruneFeatures="true" colorBy="total_ballots" colorBar="inversegrayscale" displayDiv="mapDisplay${entryid}" }} -col +col-6
:heading Map Details -col -row
doAnimation="true" - enable animation animationShowSlider="true" - show the slider animationDateFormat="yyyyMMdd" or "yyyy" - default is the fully formatted date animationMode="cumulative" or "sliding" - how the time window is moved animationSteps="60" - how many steps animationWindow="year" or "month" or "day" or "hour" or "minute" or "second" - override the animationSteps animationSpeed="250" - time in milliseconds between each step
labelTemplate="text template with ${field id} macros. Use _nl_ for new lines" labelFontColor="#000" labelFontSize="12px" labelFontFamily="'Open Sans', Helvetica Neue, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" labelFontWeight="plain" labelAlign="lb" //See http://dev.openlayers.org/docs/files/OpenLayers/Feature/Vector-js.html align is of the form "hv" where h is "l|c|r" (left, center, right) and v is "t|n|b" (top,middle,bottom) labelXOffset="0" labelYOffset="0" labelOutlineColor="#fff") labelOutlineWidth="0"
//Define the point radius radius="4" //define a field to size by sizeBy="<field>" //use a log scale sizeByLog=true //Size min/max sizeByRadiusMin=1 sizeByRadiusMax=15
//Field to color by colorBy="<field>cnt" //Color table colorTable="blue_green_red" //Or colors colors="color1,color2,...,colorN" //Use a log scale colorByLog=true //Set the stroke color strokeColor="#fff0" //Map string values to colors colorByMap="value:color,...,value:color" //These are used in conjunction with a vector map layer //If true then count the points within each map feature and use that as the color by value colorByCount=true //Suffix to show on map click doCountLabel="clubs" //If true then prune out the features that don't have any data points in them pruneFeatures="true"
//Define a different icon to use pointIcon="/repository/dutchbrothers.png" //Define a different shape shape="star|cross|x|square|triangle|circle|lightning|rectangle|church" //Map values to shape shapeBy=<field> shapeByMap="value1:shape1,...,valueN:shapeN"