Using a CDN
By default RAMADDA serves up all of its HTML resources (javascript, css, images etc) from its own server. However, for performance, RAMADDA can be configured to use external content delivery networks (CDN) by setting this property:
For the core resources RAMADDA uses cdn.jsdeliver.net using the latest Github version tag, e.g.:
For other resources RAMADDA uses the standard CDN for the resource, e.g.:
There are also a number of other flags
#Chunk all of the css together

#Serve the javascript minified and chunked 

#When displaying an entry serve up the beginning of the page before
#any processing of the contents of the page

#cache the web resources in memory
Page Templates
See templates.html
RAMADDA version, contact and security.txt
To see the server info go to the /repository/info link.

If you want to add a contact for your site then set the property in a .properties file in your RAMADDA home directory:
You can add any other information for this page with:
ramadda.information=This  is my server...
RAMADDA also provides a security.txt file that follows the specification from https://securitytxt.org/. The URL is: /repository/well-known/security.txt.
You can change the contact with the following property:
There are lots of ways of configuring your RAMADDA server. Along with these configuration options there are a number of other services that can be configured. See here for more information.
Zoomable Images
The Zoomable Image entry type uses an external script, magick-slicer.sh, that is available on Github. This script requires ImageMagic to be installed. Once installed add the below property to your repository.properties file:
Tesseract OCR
When ingesting images RAMADDA can extract text from the image using the Tesserarct OCR package. This text can then be used for searching. To configure this first install https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract. Once installed add the below property to your repository.properties file:
Generating thumbnails of PDFs
Install the Ghostscript package to automatically generate a thumbnail image of the the page of a PDF file by setting the property:
Rendering Jupyter Notebooks
RAMADDA supports a Jupyter Notebook entry type. It will do its own custom rendering of the notebook. You can also configure RAMADDA to use jupyter to do the rendering by setting the following property value:
GDAL services
RAMADDA integrates a number of GDAL based geospatial and raster services. To enable this installd GDAL and set the following properties:
RAMADDA has the ability to perform remote searches on a number of external data repositories, e.g., CKAN, Socrata, Federal Reserve, REDDIT, etc. This can be disabled by setting the property in a repository.properties file:
Archival Resource Keys (ARKS)
To configure your RAMADDA to provide Archival Resource Keys (ARKS) see here.
Multiple Languages
RAMADDA supports multiple languages. To enable this set the following property:
ramadda.languages.enabled = true

##Set this to define the default language 
If enabled then logged in users can set their default language. Also there will be a link shown in the upper right of every page to change the displayed language. The translations for each language are defined in a ".pack" file. There are language packs defined in the RAMADDA source (on Github) for Spanish, French and Chinese. You can define your own language packs and place them in the htdocs/languages directory under your RAMADDA home directory.
Custom HTTP headers
You can specify one or more properties in a .properties file in your RAMADDA home directory.
ramadda.httpheader1=<header name>:<header value>
ramadda.httpheader2=<header name>:<header value>  
e.g: For specifying HSTS Strict-Transport-Security header you would do:
ramadda.httpheader1=Strict-Transport-Security:max-age=86400; includeSubDomains
Once you restart your RAMADDA it is a good idea to check the headers, e.g. with curl:
curl -v "http://localhost:8080" > foo
Embed JSON-LD Metadata
JSON-LD is the JSON for Linking Data metadata standard and is used by Google and others to extract structured metadata from a web page. To enable this embedding in entry pages in RAMADDA set the following property in one of the .properties files in your RAMADDA home directory:
Tracking Entry access
You can enable logging of entry activities by setting the property:
When set various entry activities - view, file, data (providing data to a display) - are logged to a file:
<ramadda home>/logs/entryactivity.log
Search Providers
RAMADDA has a number of external search providers that are not RAMADDA servers, e.g. Bureau of Labor Statistics, FRED, etc To disable these set:
Using LLM Models
See llm.html
See purpleair_index.html
You can add NEON data entries but if you want to have a higher rate limit you should obtain an API key from NEON. Go and sign in to NEON. Once signed in create an API key and add it as a RAMADDA property:
neon.api.key=YOUR KEY
Census data
For configuring Census data see /repository/census/index.html
FRED, EIA, Quandl, Census data
For Federal Reserve, Energy Information Agency, Quandl integration see /repository/biz/index.html
Other API keys
There are a number of other services that access external APIs and require an API key. Here are some of them.
#show google streetview images

#for google geocoding

#For geocoding using  the Here API from  https://www.here.com/
#also for route generation in the editable maps 

#For geocoding from https://www.geocod.io/

#For accessing purple air sensor data

#for enabling sms access

#bureau of labor statistics


#used in the GTFS displays


Twitter Integration
RAMADDA can support the Twitter Card metadata standard. This embeds metadata in an entry page like the below. When a URL to a RAMADDA page is pasted into a post then Twitter will harvest the metadata to provide a display in the post.
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="Salton Sea">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="This is an example...">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="https://ramadda.org/repository/metadata/view/Screenshot_2023-09-25_at_08-12-53_Salton_Sea_Map.png?element=1&entryid=0e3af72d-8be7-4f9d-933d-983fad440bba&metadata_id=b96d579f-d914-4d8a-bb04-78c5896a8243">
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@jeffmcwh">
By default the name of the entry is used for the title. If the entry has a Thumbnail image property attached to it then the Twitter Card will be an image. If the entry is an Image then the image will be used. Else it will just be a text summary. The entry's snippet is used for the description.

There is also a Twitter Card property type that can be used to specify the title, creator, description and image. Under Add Property->Miscellaneous add the Twitter Card property:
Enter any of the values. If defined in the property these will override the defaults of the entry's name, snippet, etc.
These properties can be inherited. For example, you can add an inherited Twitter Card property at the top-level of your repository with just the Twitter handle specified. Then for any descendent entry you can specify a title, thumbnail, etc.

To disable this set the following property in one of the .properties files in your RAMADDA home directory:
Embedding Github checkins
RAMADDA supports embedding Github checkins into wiki text with the form:
@(github user=some_user_name)  
@(github owner=repository_owner repository=repository)
The access to the Github API is rate limited. To increase the request rate create a personal access token through Github and set the following RAMADDA property:
github.token=your token